+ 34 606 140 352
Apartado 49 - 20120 Hernani - Gipuzkoa
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Accordion and pedagogy since 1974


It was founded in 1974 with the name Basque Accordion Confederation, and was renamed as HAUSPOZ Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea in 1999.

It is member of the UNESCO International Music Council.

It has been created with the goal of promoting the study of the accordion and increasing the level of sound, interpretation and pedagogy in our country. In order to do so, the Association organized the first National Accordion Competition in Tolosa, the 20th April of 1975.

In 1988, the difficulty of the Competition was compared to the difficulties of the most prestigious Competitions in Europe, and a parallel promotional competition, called ‘Gipuzkoa Festival’, was created for all participants who could not participate in the Gipuzkoa competition.

In 1993, taking into account the necessity to defund our competitions internationally, the ‘Arrasate Hiria’ International Accordion Competition was created, with a unique category. Nowadays, the competition has no age limits, it is internationally known, and the most famous accordion artists have participated as competitors and, also, as jury members.

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