+ 34 606 140 352
Apartado 49 - 20120 Hernani - Gipuzkoa

Next event: “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition. December 8, 9 and 10


It was founded as The Confederation of Basque Associates in 1974 to promote the study of the instrument and increase the level of interpretation and pedagogy in our country. In the search of its aims, the Association began to organize competitions of various degrees of difficulty, until it was equated to the strictest of European competitions. A few years later, in 1999, HAUSPOZ became known as the Accordion Association of the Basque Country. It is member of the UNESCO International Music Council. Nowadays, every year, the ``Arrasate Hiria`` International Accordion Competition, the Francisco Escudero International Composition Competition and the pedagogical project Accordion Meeting Point are organized, among other activities, by Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea.

Arrasate Accordion Competitions

In 1975, Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea created the first accordion competition with the purpose of strengthening the accordion in every sense. Since then, we have created a structure, which, reflected on a variety of categories, encourages the self-transcending and rewards the work of students and teachers as far as possible.



Topakord is a meeting point for young accordionists to meet and work together. Having as its backbone the formation of an accordion orchestra and the assembly and premiere of a work written expressly for the ensemble, over several days the studentes will combine this activity with coexistence, recreational and artistic activities of different kinds, thus developing not only the academic aspect, but also the human aspect.



The goal of the ‘Francisco Escudero’ International Accordion Composition Competition is to create works for accordion, throughout both solo and chamber music pieces.


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